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chech out some of the schools on the Egregious 18 list:

Brown University (Bears): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

Georgia Tech (Yellow Jackets): “for anthropomorphization.”

Iowa State University (Cyclones): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright” (the schools logos feature a red bird).

Oral Roberts University (Golden Eagles): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

Princeton University (Tigers): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

Texas Christian University (Horned Frogs): “for picturing an animal walking upright.”

UCLA (Bruins): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes.”

University of California - Santa Cruz (Banana Slugs): “for anthropomorphization.”

University of Florida (Gators): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

University of Kansas (Jayhawks): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

University of Maryland (Terrapins): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

University of Minnesota (Golden Gophers): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

University of Oregon (Ducks): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

University of South Carolina (Gamecocks): “for supporting the inhumane cockfighting industry.”

University of Wisconsin (Badgers): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

University of Wyoming (Cowboys): “for supporting the inhumane rodeo industry” (the team’s football helmets pictures a bronching buck).

Yale University (Bulldogs): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”

Youngstown State University (Penguins): “for picturing an animal wearing clothes and walking upright.”


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I honestly don't see what the big deal is with this, PETA may be crazy and use very questionable methods to get their voice out. But cock fighting is probably one of the most barbaric things that you can do to two animals. I don't think taking off the spurs in the logo would be that big of a deal.

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We are sliding down the slippery slopes.

It started with the "Indian names." Now PETA is going after animal mascots.

Might as well be like English soccer. No mascots. Just the city name.

This is getting ridiculous! dry.gif

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I honestly don't see what the big deal is with this, PETA may be crazy and use very questionable methods to get their voice out. But cock fighting is probably one of the most barbaric things that you can do to two animals. I don't think taking off the spurs in the logo would be that big of a deal.

You've got to be kidding me. Have you ever been to a cockfight? It's not any more barbaric than what they do in slaughter houses. Are you a PETA person on an inside job here? or what? Besides that, its a cultural thing, like hunting, fishing, etc.

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You've got to be kidding me. Have you ever been to a cockfight? It's not any more barbaric than what they do in slaughter houses. Are you a PETA person on an inside job here? or what?  Besides that, its a cultural thing, like hunting, fishing, etc.

No I am not a PETA person, I wouldn't associate myself with that organization. I just think letting two cocks fight to the death while people are betting money on it is pretty barbaric. I have never been to one, and sure as hell never want to be anywhere near one, but watching two chickens try to kill each other for entertainment is pretty brutal.

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PETA wants South Carolina to remove the spurs from their game cocks


South Carolina should open a New Mexico branch campus; cock fighting is still legal in NM. laugh.gif

Disgusting, but legal!

Edited by badgerwolf
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Nobody will ever miss a few chickens, if you don't like it mind your own business the gambling associated with the sport is usually the problem not the actual animals.

Lets fire up the list that we can't stand but would never effect most peoples lives either way. Bull fighting, Bull riding, eating veal ( I am guilty here love my veal), Bronco busting, dog racing, animal testing (Better them than me), etc.

Aren't people too busy to worry about judging what other people and other cultures do with animals?

Its seems Americans are more preoccupied with animals than the children of this great country. Every city and most large towns have children in them suffering from malnutrition and unproductive surroundings. If we could forget about the animals rights and focus on the kids we as a country would be much better off.

If it would save one child I would be more than happy to get rid of all house cats in the world, oh hell PETA going to get me now. ph34r.gif

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Uhm, I haven't looked closely at the Gamecocks logo, but there are two types of spurs on gamecocks - their natural spurs, and then the metal kind which are taped on for competition. Now, some fights go without the metal kind (naked heel). Typically, they last much longer and are, believe it or not, MORE brutal. The metal spurs are more efficient for killing, yes, but it's like using a sword to dismember someone compared to, say, a butcher knife. SO, if the logo shows the gamecock with only its natural spurs, then PETA's suggestion to remove them promotes the idea of physically mutilating animals. You might as well remove the horns from any ram logo or the talons from eagles and claws from tigers. If the logo shows metal spurs, then their suggestion promotes the more brutal form of cockfighting. So excellent job promoting violence, PETA.

Don't they have some animals to euthanize or something?

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We are sliding down the slippery slopes.

It started with the "Indian names." Now PETA is going after animal mascots.

Might as well be like English soccer. No mascots. Just the city name.

This is getting ridiculous!  dry.gif

JUST MORE RAMBLIN'S AND RANTS...........and a bit of nostalgia, too

Just wait till the Crayola company gets on our green-tinted arses for calling one of the primary colors in their crayola box they've produced for almost a century, and the school from Denton that calls that color, uh............M-E-A-N............ for heaven's sake! Oh the humanity................sad.gif

What happened to that much less complicated era when many of us Baby Boomers were coming up the pike "B.E." (Before Elvis) and an era if you turned on a radio pre-Elvis how you would probaby hear a hit from "Your Hit Parade" by the great Gogi Grant called "The Wayward Wind?" This long gone era when the hoola hoop made its debut and how we baby boomers started our first experience of "going round and round and in circles?" What about that wirey toy called slinky that could even walk down a flight of stairs? Who knows, next thing you know we'll even be going to the moon!

What about those much simpler times when we most always felt that Ike Was Most Always Right? When you could watch your nickel or dime sparkling, fizzing glass of Coca Cola being prepared from a syrup dispenser mix with soda water in front of your very own eyes and how many of us thought to ourselves: "How could something taste so darn good as this drink we call Coca Cola?" Have any of you older nestors who had such a soda fountain experience at your local drug store really had a better tastin' Coke since? Honest to goodness, I don't think I have.

What happened to those innocent days when what we now call political correctness would have been looked upon as something corny as hell as well as a waste of one's time and energy? ETHEL, STOP THAT KIND OF TALK & GO TURN ON THE TV SO WE CAN WATCH LIFE OF RILEY or OZZIE AND HARRIET!:)

WOULD 2 of NT'S MOST FAMOUS EXES BEEN IN TROUBLE WITH PETA BACK IN THE DAY? Would the PETA group have gotten onto early Rock and Roll pioneer NT Ex/alum Pat Boone for wearing white "buck-skin" shoes which became his trademark on his Chevy sponsored TV show back in the late 1950's? Would Pat Boone's fellow NT classmate, ie, the late great Roy Orbison have been on the PETA hit list for wearing all those leather jackets we've seen him photographed in times past? Ol' Roy if he had been approached by the PETA group back in his era would have probably told them to go jump in some "Blue Bayou" or something.smile.gif

MORE GOOD OL' DAYS: What about that era when a young bespeckled Texan from Lubbock named Buddy Holly saw a John Wayne western classic called "The Searchers" and how the Lubbock, Texas, native took the oft' used line (by Duke Wayne) in that movie and turned it into a #1 hit called "That'll Be The Day" in a new music genre called "Rock and Roll."

WOULDN'T IT BE NICE? As an NT Ex/grad from the 1970's I would have loved to have been around during the late 60's during the Mean Joe Greene era when our football program was of such quality that it had all but beat a NCAA D-1 school in 1968 who would play DKR's Texas Longhorns for a national championship in 1969.

But once again after we hit such a pinnacle, UNT takes those vaunted steps backwards instead of building on its blocks of success. This seems to be one of our traditions in Denton and one that we all wish we would discontinue ASAP.

YIKES! CONSPIRACY TIME AGAIN?!?!?!? So just who is it that keeps runnning the store in Denton who from decade to decade apparently has some kind of secret charge passed down from their predecessors of making sure things most always remain business as usual or status quo' with NT athletics, specifically football? Aim high but shoot low but be contnent with low?

Who is it that will help us break this cycle and get NT football back on the high road again, that is, the fast track it was on in an era when the National Football League made Denton, Texas, America, a frequent stop on its search for prime time footballl talent and during that era when they even made several of our Mean Green football stars #1 draft choices?

So therefore I now ask the question..........just what the hell was the original subject of this thread once again?wink.gif

Edited by PlummMeanGreen
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I honestly don't see what the big deal is with this, PETA may be crazy and use very questionable methods to get their voice out. But cock fighting is probably one of the most barbaric things that you can do to two animals. I don't think taking off the spurs in the logo would be that big of a deal.

I think we should ask little Jerry Seinfeld about cockfighting!!!!!

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